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5 Benefits of Pinterest for Online Marketing

Social media is a valuable source of online business traffic and can improve your website's performance. Having a thorough and diversified social media marketing strategy is core to this success, and Pinterest is one of the platforms you can use to gain more traffic and help improve your brand's image.

Here are the five best reasons to include Pinterest in your marketing plan.

Great Traffic Potential

Pinterest serves an audience of over 450million users globally, and a significant chunk of that is within the United States. This audience continues to grow quite quickly and represents a great source of traffic for your brand to tap into; if you're not already on Pinterest, now is the time to start. If you are, it's time to step up your game and start creating content that truly resonates with this audience.

Sharing is a unique feature of Pinterest that allows you to repin something from one user's feed into another person's board. By sharing, your audience can see what they share, and any other user will be able to engage with it too!

This way, your content doesn't lose effectiveness as quickly after becoming famous. It can suddenly regain popularity or continue to act as a steady traffic source if pinned to popular boards. You can also gain followers who will see new content immediately posted and help propel it onto a wider audience, bringing you more followers.

Analytics Built Into the Platform

Pinterest also has excellent analytics available for all business accounts, making tracking your results more accessible and learning from your different campaigns' performance.

Pinterest analytics track all the different aspects of Pinterest like impressions, your audience, repins, link clicks, and the stats of individual pins, both recent and your best performing. This process allows for easy A/B testing because you can track just about any metric you'd like when trying different strategies to make your pins go viral.

Highly Successful For Visual Content

One of the main benefits of Pinterest is that it is a highly visual platform, and the bulk of the content featured on the platform--especially the content that performs best--is images. Pinterest users like to build aesthetic boards full of high-quality imagery that showcases beautiful products they'd like to try in the future. They often follow through on those purchases.

Suppose your brand is mainly visual, and you can create original content based on your products. In that case, Pinterest is an incredible platform to leverage as part of your social media strategy because images are the main strength of the forum.

Increased Brand Awareness

Awareness of your brand is a valuable endpoint to target in your marketing plan as it leads to sales further down the line when a prospective customer needs your services. As such, anything that increases brand awareness can be a valuable strategy.

Pinterest not only brings in traffic and conversions directly but also increases the general awareness of your brand across a broad audience. Improvements to brand awareness can yield further indirect benefits in the future when making decisions about marketing strategies. Companies can make decisions to improve their current situation and prospects by taking a long-term view of brand awareness. Positioning your brand as an expert and authority in your industry will further enhance brand awareness.

Creates Potential Customers

Pinterest is a popular social media platform where you can promote your products through various inbound marketing techniques. One good strategy for increasing the value of one's profile and attracting additional followers, even if they are not interested yet, would be using content that reflects their interests or passions which will draw them into following back!

These are potential customers, and Pinterest lets you use inbound marketing to share content from other people or your own business that doesn't try to advertise to people directly. The content creator and consumer relationship can create new leads out of all your followers in the future and is a great thing to foster.

If you're yet to try Pinterest but have a highly visual brand and want to prioritize getting more visitors, brand awareness, and leads, it's a great platform to add to your strategy. Diversifying your system is always essential, so be sure not to lean on any single platform too much.

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